I thought this would be an interesting thing to share.
My company is sponsoring this meet up in Stockholm and it will be hosted by AWS on the 11th October.
Evolate, specialists in Amazon Web Services, invite you to an interactive and unforgettable evening with AWS Hero and DynamoDB specialist Alex DeBrie. He is the author of The DynamoDB Book, the comprehensive guide to data modeling with DynamoDB, and a world-renowned expert on data modeling, serverless architectures, and general AWS usage. Alex has helped thousands of developers learn DynamoDB and worked with a variety of impressive clients, including government agencies and publicly-traded enterprises. He had the second-most viewed session at AWS re:Invent, and has helped write some of the official guides for AWS database services. Alex is joining us to discuss the basics of DynamoDB and the various mechanisms to handle relationships in your DynamoDB data modeling.
Please join us, we have limited spots available for this, so sign up now.